Si usted no ha trabajado durante un año y su aplicación está pendiente de cualquier nivel, puede tratar de trabajar. Hay casos en que las personas vuelvan a trabajar y encontrar que no pueden seguir trabajando debido a su deterioro (s) y renunciar. Si se trata de trabajar, pero tienen que dejar de trabajar dentro…

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How to File for Social Security Disability Insurance Benefits

An application for Social Security Disability Insurance Benefits can be filed online at ssa.gov/app.  You can also contact your local Social Security office for a personal or telephone appointment.  When applying for benefits, you should make sure you have all of your doctors’ names, addresses and phones.  Also, you should know the dates of any…

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What are Social Security Disability Insurance Benefits?

Social Security Disability Insurance (SSD or SSDI) is a payroll tax-funded benefit insurance program of the US government.  It is managed by the Social Security Administration and is payable to individuals who are disabled and have paid enough Social Security taxes into the system to be “insured”. When you stop working, your eligibility for these…

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Now, in Maryland, you cannot text OR HOLD A CELL PHONE WHILE DRIVING

Driving in Maryland has officially changed. As of October 1st, 2013, holding and talking on your cell phone will become a primary offense. In 2012 Maryland became a “Hands Free” state where it was a secondary offense; which means that police would need to have another reason to pull you over and then if you…

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