Social Security Claims Representatives and Disability Claims

Experienced Social Security disability attorney Jeff Scholnick discusses the process that Social Security claims representatives go through as they approach each disability claim. A Social Security (SS) claims representative performs initial interviews with potential Social Security disability claimants. The claim representative may conduct this interview by phone or in person. Once the SS claims representative…

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Jeff Scholnick to Speak at Latino Providers Network Business Seminar

Baltimore attorney Jeff Scholnick will be a panelist for the business workshop on May 30, 2015 at The Emerging Technology Center. The workshop will begin at 9:00AM. Mr. Scholnick will be discussing unique legal issues that employers and businesses confront on a daily basis.  For entrepreneurs who are willing to open their own businesses, there…

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How Will Divorce Affect My Disability Payments?

Divorce may affect your Social Security disability payments in ways you may not be aware of. Read the following information from experienced Social Security disability attorney Jeff Scholnick. A clean, smooth divorce can bring back a lot of good into your life. However, there are areas of divorce that often go unseen. Don’t let anything…

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Medical Conditions and the Social Security Administration

Experienced Social Security disability attorney Jeff Scholnick discusses which medical conditions are listed in the Social Security Administration’s impairment listing manual, also known as “the blue book.” The Social Security Administration (SSA) lists a number of impairments, both physical and mental, in the manual usually called “the blue book.” All impairments listed will automatically qualify…

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¿Debería solicitar la eliminación de mis antecedentes penales?

El  Departamento de Seguridad Pública y Servicios Penales del Estado de Maryland explica que a través de la cancelación de antecedentes penales usted puede eliminar registros de la corte y de la policía de la inspección pública. (1) Un record criminal puede tener ciertas consecuencias en su  vida personal y profesional, es por eso que…

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Jeff Scholnick wins award at MSBA Mid-Year Convention in Punta Cana

Baltimore attorney Jeff Scholnick attended the Maryland State Bar Association in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic from February 14th-21st of this year. Scholnick won a contest of first-time participants to be a featured speaker for the Mid-Year Convention. The contest was open to members of the MSBA who are considered a “First-Time Attendee Lawyer.” He spoke on the subject…

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Should I file for an expungement of my records?

The Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services of the State of Maryland states that expungement is the removal of court and police records from public inspection. (1) Having prior criminal charges can have consequences in your personal and professional life; this is one of the main reasons why most people consider filing a petition…

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Top 3 Myths About Social Security Disability

Baltimore attorney Jeff Scholnick discusses the most prevalent myths regarding Social Security disability. Not having the correct information on Social Security disability benefits can mean the difference between winning your benefits and going without. Several misconceptions in particular often cause issues in pursuing benefits. Read the following list to better understand the process and what…

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Puntos importantes a tomar en cuenta si usted desea solicitar la Licencia de Conducir para Inmigrantes indocumentados

De acuerdo al sitio en internet de la oficina Administración de Vehículos de Maryland (MVA), la nueva ley permite a inmigrantes indocumentados obtener una licencia de conducir si cuentan con un documento que pruebe su identidad  como lo es un pasaporte extranjero vigente,  hayan presentando  declaraciones de impuestos de dos años precedentes en el Estado…

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Applying for a Driver’s License for Undocumented Immigrants in Maryland

According to the Maryland Motor Vehicle Administration’s website (MVA), the new law allows undocumented immigrants to obtain a driver’s license when they have an identity document such as a valid current foreign passport, Maryland Income taxes for the preceding two years and two residency documents. Please see my earlier blog entry about this new law,…

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